Monday, September 15, 2008


Before I talk about the topic Hero I want to say thanks to God for giving me the privelge to serve Him by writing for Hands+Tears, Jo who created this blog and inviteding me to be a writter for it, and you for reading the post/posts on this blog.

Topic: Hero

What do you think when you hear the word hero? Do think Superman or Batman? What makes a person a hero? Is it super powers, cool gadgets, or is it the costume? Well to explain what I think makes a person a hero let me tell you a little bit of my life.

Before I was born the doctor told my mom that she should have an abortion; in other words kill me. The doctors said I would be born abnormal and have all types of problems, but my mom told the doctor no and I was born completely normal. My mom is a hero because she basically saved my life.

Later on in life, around the time I was about five or six years old, I asked Christ to come into my life and He did. God is actually more then a hero because He created me and He saved me from my sins. As I got older I started being a better Christian and started serving others. But as time went on I started feeling depressed because I felt like I was a slave; it seemed as if I was always stuck doing everything for everyone else. Then one-day between the ages ten and thirteen I tried to kill myself. I took a knife out and was going to plunge it into my heart but my dad walked into the kitchen and told me suicide was not the answer. We talked for a while and after the talk I realized my dad was right -my life is not my own. I am bought with a price and that price is the cost of Christ dying on the cross. I am made in God’s image and I am also one of his adopted sons. My dad is a hero because he saved my life and helped me through my depression.

After a little while I met people who cut themselves, do drugs and tons other things that are just so horrible to hear about and I realized I wanted to help these people; I wanted to be a hero. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was already a hero having fought with depression and having defeated it day after day. So I helped these people and some changed and others didn’t but I know that God is taking care of them. One day a friend of mine asked me for a clean slate. How many of you want a clean slate? I do and guess what! I got it and so can you! Just ask God to forgive you and He will. Ask Him for strength and He will give it to you so that you can forgive yourself. My challenge for you is to stop doing what you’re doing that is wrong; stop cutting yourself, stop doing drugs, and stop doing whatever else I forgot to mention. Ask for forgiveness and then forgive yourself. I know it’s hard. I have struggled with it many times but it’s the greatest thing to be free from sin and to really know that in your heart that you are forgiven. If you’re still struggling write down your sins on a piece of paper and burn it.

If you ever need some one to talk to you can always talk to me. I’m here to help you not to hurt you but remember God has always been there for you and He is there for you now and always will be there for you so turn to Him first because He never fails. While others sadly can fail you God won't ever fail you for He is God almighty the One True God. Last thing I have to say is I believe each of you are a hero in one way or another and if you don’t think that you are then go out there be a hero and help your friends or other people you know who are hurting inside.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

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