Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Grip

Today I’m writing to you to pull at your heart strings a little. To help you get a grip. Everyone struggles with something in life and I would like to paint a picture in your mind by telling you a story and at the end you decide if it’s true.

So their is this person who has alot of problems. They live by this motto: Go with the flow. This person drinks, does drugs, is no longer abstinence till married, cuts, is bulimic , anorexic …etc. Everything that the world tells this person to be is what they are. They listen to secular music watch junk on tv and does what it says.

So my question is to you do think this is a true story?

Well it is in a way. See this is the effect of the world on people. It is sin. Are sinful nature makes sin look good but being a Christian changes that. Still we fall because we are not perfect.

To get at your heart strings this is real and these effects of sin are even effecting churches around the world.

So what do we do? Well we should continue to serve God in everything we do and should do are best to grow closer to God. Another thing we should do is learn to invest in people and not in material things.

People last and material things don’t!

I have met a guy who always tells me how great it be if I spent more time making money by investing in stocks and working longer. I realize though that money doesn’t last but people do and even if I only effect one person’s life I can say it is priceless for it last forever.

So I hope after you have finished reading this that you continue to grow closer to God.

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