Now, how would I overcome this? I really don't know. Like I've already stated, I'm at a huge loss. How can I be so focused on the most menial of troubles and not be focused on how great God is? This puzzles me. I can't understand. I don't think anyone can. When we even get a glimpse of how huge God is (and we by no means can come close to understanding even a fraction of a percent of that) our worldly troubles don't make any sense.
Maybe I just stumbled upon the secret to bucking my complacency. I'll have to pray about it just like everything else. One thing I do know for certain, although I often forget this, is that God is always there by your side. I pray that you would remember that fact if you're hitting a rut in your worship. God is good, God is great, God transcends any superlatives that we can conceive. God is indescribable.
May the Glory of God be with you now and forever, Amen.
1 comment:
Worshiping God is a struggle. To put in to better words its a war. You stuggle to worship God because of are sinful nature yet if we remmeber that the war is already over and that Christ put to death sin then we can move foward and realize for areselves that sin really has no authority like power over us anymore. We stumble because sin still doesn't go down without a fight so it will groan and still attack are mind. So we must protect are mind and the best way is to memorize scripture from the Bible and to seek God in prayer. Now to be honesty sin is going to attack you in thoughs areas by trying to make you feel that your to tired, hungrey, maybe you just don't feel like it. Thoughs are all little ways that sin can get you to fall. The worse that I have felt is by a cause of sin. I eventually felt as if I lost completely. As if I failed and could never win the battle. What I should of realize is Christ has destroyed sin. To worship God by singing is a amazing thing that we can do to glorify God. I urge you even if you feel like your not really worshipping God by singing to still continue to sing to God. Focuses on the words and on what your saying. You may surprise yourself by all the sudden feeling free of sin and thankful to God. You may start even singing louder and not even notice it and it is alright to feel these ways and to glorifying God by singing louder and feeling good about yourself because of what God has done.
I myself will be praying for you.
By the way I recommended reading the book called The Enemy Within. Its a great book and will help you recognize what sin is and ways on how to fight it.
Remmeber God is always with you and is in control of everything.
Your Friend, Daniel
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