Friday, January 2, 2009


I notice in life a person always tends to do one of three things when they face a problem.
1. The person blames others, their self, or God and continues to bring up the problem for awhile.

2. The person tries to be optimistic and bottles up inside until they blow up.

3. The person faces the problem head on and realizes their mistakes.

The third one I mentioned is close on how we should deal with problems that occur. We need to first realize we are a wretch without God and so we need to ask God for help with are struggles by asking Him in prayer. We need to read the Bible so we can learn from are struggles and help us grow closer to God so we don't keep making the same mistakes. We need to realize that being a Christian we are united with Christ and should realize are worth in Him is priceless. It is also good to have fellowship with other Christians and to go to them at times with your struggles. For thoughs of us who are teens or younger we should always talk to are parents even though it can be difficult it is well worth it it.

So thoughs are my thoughts on cope-ing.

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